Digitization Project Volunteers Needed

Jo Zurwell August 13, 2021

The Society’s Board of Directors approved, in June 2021, a new project to digitize most of the books in the research library, and to make the contents available to our members through the Members-Only section of the website ACGS.org.

In connection with this new digitization project, ACGS is looking for volunteers to help us out!

Right now, two different types of help are needed:

  1. Scanning – This will require you to run an overhead scanner to scan each page of a book. It takes about an hour to do 100 pages. This job may be done at home by borrowing the equipment from the library.
  2. Data entry – Several of our books were never entered into a searchable database. This job requires reading a type-written book and entering the data into a spreadsheet. Access to Microsoft Excel is desirable, but we may be able to use your help even if you do not have that access.

All volunteers will be provided with training.

As a reminder, because many of our books can no longer be purchased, having a pdf file of each book would allow it to be replaced in the event of a fire or other calamity. In addition, a digital copy of a book might allow members who are not able to visit the library to read or access it online.

Click here to Volunteer Today, and, in your email, tell us which job you are interested in.

Many thanks!



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