Biographies for ACGS 2025 Officers
Jo Zurwell, #10349, President
In 2016, I joined ACGS, and am presently the chair of the Conference and Webinar Committee, Marketing Committee, Website Committee, Editorial Board. I received my BA in Business Studies in 2000 from New Hampshire College now SNHU, and worked for 20+ years in purchasing, operations, customer service, and marketing roles in the business world. Being an officer and member of the board as well as the society has allowed me to combine my hobby of designing publications; such as the website and the fall conference program, and my passion for genealogical research. I caught the research bug in 2014 when I was researching for a friend. Now I have opened my own private genealogical research business.
Jeannine Levesque, #453, Vice-President
Jeannine has been a member of ACGS since its earliest years, though for many years more involved in doing her own research than in sharing what she had learned. An ACGS life member since early adulthood, Jeannine worked as a reporter and copy editor at the then-Nashua Telegraph before becoming a librarian and archivist, first at the Nashua Public Library and, finally, at the Leominster (MA) Public Library. She started volunteering at the ACGS front desk several years ago but has become much more involved since retiring two years ago. She now serves on the Library Committee and is the editor of the monthly Newsletter. She has also written a few articles for our journal about her travels in France with a group of Acadian cousins led by Lucie LeBlanc Consentino.

Aime Blais & Olympe Arbour 1913 and Clara Granger Family 1892 – Submitted by Ron Blais
Robert (Rob) Fosher, #10885, Treasurer
I joined ACGS as an official member in 2022, although I have been affiliated for many years through close relatives that are active within the organization. An Army vet, I also have an MBA in quantitative analysis and have been working in the utility billing and finance sector for 20 years running. I have a strong passion for numbers, research, and analysis, and find these interests highly compatible with the Treasurer role. I look forward to being able to assist the team wherever I can in support of the ACGS mission and the invaluable services that it provides.
Ron Blais, #6271, Recording Secretary
BS in Accounting from Southern NH University, MBA from Suffolk University. Former Director, Treasurer and VP of ACGS. Member since 1999.
Phil Cote, #9418, Correspondence Secretary
I have been a member of ACGS for many years and have been doing family history research since the late 1980’s. I recently became the director of the ACGS Library and recognize the value of both the manual research that takes place in the library as well as the need to expand the digital research component to which I think ACGS does both very well. My continued role on the Board of Directors would be to manage these two very important directions for the organization so that we remain relevant and attractive to researchers wherever they are in their genealogical research quest, especially those searching their French-Canadian roots.
Biographies for ACGS 2024 Board Members

Family of Margaret Morin and Charles Caron (2x great grandparents of Janelle Asselin)
Janelle Asselin, # 11104
Janelle Asselin has worked in publishing for nearly 20 years as an editor, writer, and journalist, most recently as an editor of historical fiction for children. Her love of history, particularly women in history, started in childhood. She’s been passionate about genealogy for over fifteen years and is currently working through the National Genealogical Society’s Advanced Skills in Genealogy course. She’s been a member of ACGS since 2023 and is a member of many other genealogical societies. Janelle volunteers with the Irish Genealogical Society International, chairing the Marketing Committee among other responsibilities. With deep interest in French, Irish, Midwestern US, and Canadian genealogy, Janelle is always excited to share this love with others. Some of the surnames she’s currently (or always) researching from her own family tree include Asselin, Caron, Drouillard, Solo/Soleau, Dubuque, Morin, Rourke/O’Rourke, Sexton, and Wilkie. Janelle lives in Madison, Wisconsin with her spouse and cats.
Sandra Lamontagne Duffy, # 8237
Sandy has been on the Board of Directors since April 2022 but has been a member of ACGS since 2002. She is currently the co-chair of the ACGS Research Department and is the Office and Archives Administrator at the Bedford (Mass.) Historical Society. She previously worked as a substitute special education teacher in Hooksett schools and as an insurance underwriter. Sandy holds a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University and is expected to complete the ProGen Study Group (ProGen 62) in June 2023. Sandy is also a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the New England Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists, and the New Hampshire Society of Genealogists.
Denis Joyal, #1592
As you can see I joined the ACGS many years ago, 35 to be exact. I have been on the Board several years and have been past vice-President, Correspondence Secretary, and active Board Member. Also, I have been on the front desk and opened the library for research 2 Sundays per month. Now we are opened every Sunday. I live and work in Laconia, have been a machinist at NHBB for 40 years.
Steve Lefoley, #4141

Ferdinand Leblanc and his wife Dina Bourgeois early 1900’s New Bedford, MA (great-grandparents): Submitted by Jeannine Levesque
I have been a member of ACGS since 1990 and on the board for the last eight years. Currently I am the Membership Chair, Investment Chair, and spend most of my time working on repertoire publications for the society. My interests in genealogy are focused on my ancestors from Ontario, the Gaspe region, Channel Islands and Ireland. Before my retirement, I was a Systems design engineer and enjoy using those skills to help with the technology challenges within the library.
Jeannine Levesque, #453
I joined ACGS in its earliest years, having become interested in genealogy during my teen years. Though I became a life member early on, it was only a few years ago that I became a front-desk volunteer and, more recently, newsletter editor, as well as recording secretary. I also serve on the Webinar Committee and have written a few articles for our journal. Professionally, I worked in newspapers as a reporter and copy editor for a decade, then for more than 30 years in public libraries (NH and Massachusetts) as both reference and local-history librarian, where my genealogical skills and training were invaluable. Retired in 2019, I now work part-time at a cemetery office and volunteer at several places.
Kathleen (Kathy) Pasko, #7741
I have been researching my family genealogy since 1998. My grandmother was a Bonin and worked in the Amoskeag Mills. My love of history has been intertwined with learning the stories of my ancestors. As I began researching, I learned of the need to copy and transcribe records to make them available for others to use. For many years, I copied church records in the Nashua area and then in Western Massachusetts after I moved to Connecticut. I have transcribed and reviewed records for many years while we continued to move around. I understand the needs of distance members and can provide not only insight, but a willingness to work to provide opportunities for remote access.
Honorary Mention to the Following Members

Hervey & Marie (Pare) Durocher 1933 – Submitted by Cecile Durocher
Cécile Durocher, #9737
Genealogy has always been an interest of mine, so I joined the ACGS in 2011. I have compiled my French-Canadian roots back to the 1640’s into a family history. Currently I am serving my sixth year on the Board, also serve on the Library Committee, Conference raffle committee and the investment committee. I retired in 2007 as administrative assistant to the Board of Selectman after 43 years of service to the town of Litchfield. Enjoy the journey to your roots, it’s fun!
Pauline Cusson # 2572
Pauline began researching her family name in 1986 when she joined ACGS. Since 1988 Pauline has served as Recording Secretary, President, Vice President, and Treasurer for a number of terms. Since 2000 upon the death of the late Editor, Anne-Marie Perrault, of the American-Canadian Genealogist, Pauline was offered the position and took over as Editor of our journal along with serving in various Board positions. Pauline has represented ACGS in the founding and development of the New England Regional Genealogical Consortium since 1992 and is currently serving for the fourth time as a Conference Chair and for the past two years as their Treasurer. Pauline has also contributed to the Research Services department over the years, and she has also made several presentations at other genealogical societies or in public libraries throughout New England and at some Quebec conferences.
Craig Donais #6242
Craig is a life member and has served ACGS as a member and chair of the Acquisitions, Nominating, and Bylaws Committees, as a library volunteer, society director and as President. His interest in genealogy started while in college, trying to identify where in the US his paternal great grandparents lived and died. After walking a cemetery in Woonsocket
RI, he connected with a member of the American-French Genealogical Society, where he became a life member and performed his researched while he was living in southeastern New England.
After moving to NH, he joined ACGS, and continued his research and involvement with ACGS. He has traced all of his ancestors back to their ancestral origins and continues to
work on a one-name study. He has strong interests in genealogy technology, and his most recent project has been what he describes as a “real-time do-over” to verify all details, capture additional information, and cite all of those facts discovered long ago to a source. Professionally, Craig is an attorney with his own firm, Donais Law Offices, PLLC, based in Manchester. He is also actively involved with the Boy Scouts of America as a volunteer, serving on the local, state, area, region and national levels.
Constance Bernier-Hebert #5175
Became a member of the ACGS in 1995. I have worked in the past as a Research Coordinator, and a collector and indexer of the obituaries from the Manchester Union Leader. I have been on the board and have held various positions (Recording Secretary, Vice-President, Director). I volunteer at the front desk bi-monthly, work in the Publication Department, and indexed the Genealogists.
Muriel Chabot Normand, #5706

Submitted by Muriel Normand
BS nursing from UNH, and MS administration of nursing services from the University of Lowell. I joined ACGS in 1995 after a visit to the Isle of Orleans where I discovered the Chabot name on a mailbox. After completing my own genealogy and retiring from active nursing in 1999, I began volunteering as a researcher. I have served on the board in several capacities, currently chair Research Services and am active as a speaker with the Education and Outreach Department…Careful, genealogy is contagious!
Gerry Savard # 4972
Served on the Board of Directors of ACGS and has held officer positions of President and Vice President. As in the past, Gerry currently serves as a volunteer on various committees. Past president and vice-president of the New England Regional Genealogical Consortium and served as co-chair for two regional conferences held in Manchester. In 1991, at his father’s passing, Gerry became interested in his family heritage. Genealogy became a serious hobby, enjoying doing personal research as well as being a research volunteer at ACGS. Gerry has given many local lectures and classes on genealogy and DNA topics. Gerry also thoroughly enjoys his grandchildren and photography.
Herb Boyce, #8504
My main position on the Board is as Building and Grounds Coordinator, a position I have held as a volunteer for over 15 years. I don’t do genealogy, but leave that to my wife, I keep the building in good shape! Having worked for Coca-Cola for over 41 years, and being a homeowner, I have had years of experience in hands-on maintenance and know many experts in various trades to help solve problems.