Archive Information
New Home of the
American-Canadian Genealogical Society
1 Sundial Avenue, Suite 317, Manchester, NH 03103
After many years of planning, coordinating, negotiating, and implementing by the officers and board directors of the ACGS, we are excited to be approaching the finish line, a new home for our library.
Our new home is in the process of being retrofitted to meet our needs. We would like to share with everyone the progress that has been made this year, so far. As time passes the space starts to take shape with the addition of a few walls and new windows and doors.
These pictures were taken on 3/10/2020 -close to the beginning of the process – you will see that they have installed the studs for the walls!
The following pictures were taken on 3/30/2020 – those studded walls now have drywall on them and so much more!
The flooring and furniture have been ordered, the HVAC system and new windows to the interior corridor have been installed, and the new walls are ready for tape and sanding. We are headed in the right direction!
The following pictures were taken on 4/07/2020, almost ready for some paint!
The following pictures were taken on 4/14/2020, all the workers are practicing social distancing!
The following pictures were taken on 4/20/2020, with the paint on the walls it really pulls it together. We are well on our way to moving day.
The following pictures were taken on 4/28/2020. The front door is installed and cabinets are in place in the kitchen. It is all coming together!
The following pictures were taken on 5/5/2020. And then we got carpets and lighting… Not long now!
The following pictures were taken 6/21/2020. We have moved. Countless hours unpacking books and putting on shelves complete. Sign up in the hallway. TIME TO OPEN. We are reopening on Wednesday June 24th! Please see our Reopening Guidelines to comply with the COVID-19 recommendations and to sign up for a reservation to come in and do some research.
We will also be holding a curiosity walk through on Thursday June 25th and Friday June 26th from 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for anyone that is interested in swinging by the library to see how all the work turned out.
Below you will see the front entrance to our building. Enter the doors at 1 Sundial Ave, go to the elevator directly in front of the entrance and go to the 3rd floor. Exit the elevator and go to the right, go through the double doors, walk down the hall until you see the number 317 above the door and the below sign on the wall for the society.
We will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays starting
June 24th 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Our New Address is:
1 Sundial Ave, Suite 317, Manchester, NH
Please check the Library Information page for directions to the new location. Please note that the map itself has not been updated yet but the written directions and everything else is updated.
We can’t wait to see everyone again!