The American-Canadian Genealogist is the official journal of the American-Canadian Genealogical Society and a major benefit of membership in our society. Regular segments include messages from the President and the Editor, Book Reviews, From Other Publications, Queries, New Members, and Étoile d’Acadie. The journal is intended to be informative, educational, and your link to the past. The focus of articles is on Acadian, French-Canadian and Franco-American family history and genealogy. Because of the diversity of our readership, we try to include articles about Québec and Acadia and the migration of these people from all French Canada and Acadia into New England, New York and any other area in North America where descendants of New France settled.
We invite you to see a sample PDF of the
American-Canadian Genealogist
All members are encouraged to submit articles for publication. Please submit your article(s) to the Editorial Board at [email protected]. The editor and the editorial board are committed to fostering and maintaining the integrity of this world-class journal. It is the editorial board’s goal to maintain this level of quality and to incorporate useful information for the ever-changing needs of the membership. If you have an idea for an article, or an article that you have already written, please send it to the Society via e-mail to [email protected].
If you are submitting an article that has been published in another genealogical journal or on a web site, please give the credentials for us to give proper credit to the first publication. If you are submitting the same article to several publications at the same time, please let us know. Conversely, if you give permission to other journals to publish one of your articles that has appeared in the American-Canadian Genealogist, kindly ask them to mention our journal as the first publisher. Permission to reprint your article is yours to give, not the editor’s.
We have generated an index of the articles from past issues of our journal for your review. Please click this link to view the index. If you wish to view a particular issue found on the index, please go to the members only section under the Genealogist heading, and scroll to the issue you are interested in reviewing.
Click Here to Download an Article Index
To submit a query or an answer to a query for the journal, please contact [email protected]
**At the September 20, 2020 Board of Directors’ Meeting, it was voted to discontinue printing paper copies of our journal. This will be a phased-out process and culminates with the December 2021 edition being the last printed copy. Of course, the electronic edition will continue to be published. For a complete breakdown of how and when the transition will take place, please click here.
Please click the button below to sign up to become a member and receive the electronic version of the American-Canadian Genealogist three times a year.