Research Services
We are proud of our cadre of researchers with over a hundred years of experience!
Our services include the basic ancestral line, single events, translations, and verifications of existing research. We can also add depth to your ancestors with Filles du Roi, Carignan soldiers, French who fought in or supported the American Revolution and other historical data.
We have divided our services into 5 categories:
- Normal Research – These are cases of various scopes and requirements submitted by clients. See the complete description in the attachment below.
- Single Source Documents, Articles, and Copies – This is to be done for Members for No Charge, as long as it can be accomplished in less than ½ hour, and does not need special handling or translation.
- Multiple Source Documents -This category includes requests for more than one document, including any printing and special handling. See the complete description in attachment below.
- Vital Record Translations – This includes finding a readable image of the source document, translating, and superimposing the document into the translation document, beneath the translation. See the complete description in attachment below.
- Special Requests – The Researcher will consult with the Research Co-Chairs, in consultation with the client, as to the best equitable way to price these requests. See the complete description in attachment below.
Requesting Research
To start the process of requesting research, email the following information to our Research Department. Please include your name, address, email, phone number and member number if applicable. Clarity in explaining exactly what you are seeking prevents unnecessary work and expense.
For ancestral lines, please complete a 4 generation chart with sources and any other supporting data, such as census records. Include this information in the email that is sent in to the research department.
Our current initiation fee is $45 for non-members and $30 for members. This covers the first hour of research and is non-refundable. Before sending in any money or credit card information, please wait to get a reply back from the research staff so that an exact amount can be determined for the work to be done.
For a complete description of our all our services and associated rates please click HERE.
Single events require a general time frame and any records you may have on parents, descendants etc.
Once received, the research will be assigned for review and you will be contacted with an estimate of time and cost. You may then authorize us to spend no more than a certain amount of time or money on the project. No surprises!
Please be aware that searches generally take 4 to 6 weeks, occasionally longer, unless it is a single request with data provided. Results are generally sent via email and include sources, a pedigree, and a descendant chart along with a gedcom to add to your genealogy database. There is an additional $3.00 charge for mailing through the USPS.