Effective Immediately 10/31/2020
Ancestry has shut off the online access to their website.
The ACGS Library does have access to the Ancestry website from our in-house Library computers!
Please utilize our new facility while keeping the COVID-19 regulations in mind for your visit to the library. We look forward to seeing you soon.
The ACGS has worked with our contacts at ProQuest to grant our members access to the ACGS Ancestry Library Edition (ALE) account from our website. In this time when our members are not able to be in our physical library, we want to try and extend as many resources as possible to our members on our website.
Simply Click on the ACGS logo below and it will log you directly into the ACGS account on AncestryLibrary.com.
We hope this added service helps you continue your family research while we are all following social distancing guidelines.
Happy Hunting!